Video: Financial Crisis - Accident or Plot?  

Posted by shooltzon in

Video: Many Brainwashed People
Things do go wrong.

Is the financial crisis an accident caused by incompetent fools and crooks, or, is there a plot by the people who want a ‘New World Order‘?

1. Certain individuals are still very rich.

According to the Financial Times, 19 December 2008:

A. A European billionaire has commissioned Vacherin Constantin, the Swiss watchmakers, to make a watch costing $ 6.5 million.

B. J P Morgan, linked to Rockefeller, in September and October of 2008, was handed $30 billion in net new assets by investors.

2. Israel’s shekel is one of the world’s strongest currencies, and Israel has a surplus in the balance of payments. (Israel: The history of an economic miracle)

On the other hand, the Tel Aviv stock market has lost nearly half of its value in the last year.

(A tale of two elections)

3. The USA and UK are in deep trouble. (Global economy: The age of obligation)

Total private and public debt in the US rose from about 155 % of gross domestic product in the early 1980s to something like 342 % by the middle of 2008.

Losses on risky assets may be as high as $ 6,000 billion.

In Gordon Brown’s Britain, thanks to very bad government, things are relatively worse.

Debt is increasing fast in the USA and UK.

The USA and UK may be facing collapsing currencies, mass unemployment and hyper-inflation.

4. Europe, Japan, and many other countries are in trouble. There is growing starvation in some Third World countries.

5. Some people detect a conspiracy:

Problem: Unprecedented, outrageous financial fraud undertaken with complete impunity.

Reaction: Justified rage, disintegrating into riots, helped along by agents provocateurs in the streets and through the media.

Solution: Martial Law, new currency, NWO agenda, etc. - more - Twelfth Bough

6. It may be that our leaders are incompetent fools and incompetent crooks.

A. The planners of Operation Gladio and of 9 11 did not do a very good job, as their crimes have been exposed.

B. The US generals have proved incompetent in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

C. Israel has proved incapable of making its people feel popular, happy and safe.

D. The US and UK have seen their manufacturing industries decline.

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