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Before start reading the following article by Tariq Majeed, please watch these videos to understand Zionism

The Philosopy of Zionism and Israel, Who are Zionists?

Ted Pike - Zionism and Christianity: Unholy Alliance

The Real Terrorism by Zionists - Doctrine of Judaism and Zionism

Zionism: The Real Enemy Of The Jews


By Tariq Majeed

“Our power in the present tottering condition of all forms of power will be more invincible than any other, because it will remain invisible until the moment when it has gained such strength that no cunning can any longer undermine it.” — Protocol of elders of Zion - 1, para 15

“Now (the tribe of) Ad walked arrogantly on earth, [offending] against all right, and saying, “Who could have a power greater than ours?” Why—were they, then, not aware that God, Who created them, had a power greater than theirs? But they went on rejecting Our Signs.” —Qur’an, 41: 15

As the evil nature of the Zionist Jewry’s propaganda and pursuits became clearer to me, very soon I began a quest to find out what exactly was it aiming to achieve and what its resources and strategies were? By extensive and critical study of all types of world affairs and events (and no doubt with divine help), I was able to discover much of the answer by 1973. Until then I had not even heard about The Zionist Protocols, or The International Jew or Pawns in the Game!

A couple of years later when I came across the Protocols, I was astonished, and fascinated. Most of what the Zionist Elders had specified in the Protocols as their final goals and revealed of their resources, instruments and methodologies, and their own nature, was almost exactly what I had already discovered by my own research and analysis!

It is, however, the Holy Qur’an that unfolded to my quest, and continues to unfold, the darkest secrets of the Zionist Jewry. And it taught me how to decipher the code the Zinjry uses in camouflaging its aims, schemes and machinations, and in misleading the people.

The goals, resources and strategies of Zinjry are a vast subject. All the elements in these three areas should really be explained with examples from current developments, but that is not possible in this work. So, I shall describe these only briefly. This data is still very valuable in order to fully realize the Zinjry’s dreadful threats and to correctly respond to them.

Zinjry’s Goals—Against All Nations

When Zinjry’s well-tested, programmed puppet Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait on 2 August 1990 and cleared the way for the US forces to occupy the Gulf States, the noise of a New World Order (NWO) rose in the Media. Many leaders and intellectuals wrote and spoke about it, but they were far off the mark. They had no idea that the NWO was a plot of World Zionism and not of America; they could not even imagine that the United States itself was to be a victim of the NWO!

To explain what it really meant, and to warn the people, I wrote a thesis, The Plot Called The New World Order and How to Counter it, in September-October 1991. It was published in the weekly Facts on 14 January 1992, and later formed part of my book, The Global Game For A New World Order. I explained that the so-called NWO was in fact the set of the Zionist Jewry’s long-held Goals that it felt could now be enforced all over the world. I identified these goals.

The Zinjry keeps expanding its goals. To the discerning mind its ambitions are uncovered by its own unfolding Game. The successful launching of its scheme of Mega-Terrorism on 11 September 2001 has disclosed many of its aims and intentions that were previously hidden, which I shall highlight later.

At this stage it is best to present the Goals referred to above. They are reproduced here exactly as published in the Facts in 1992. Additions can be made to the list, but nothing can be deleted from it. Two instructive paragraphs, one preceding and the other following the list of goals, as in the original writing, are also included. Extracts from:

The Nature of the New World Order: The so-called NWO is not at all an American concept or scheme. It is a long thought-out project of the Zionist Jewry to change the shape of the world in all spheres of life, political, economic, military, social, cultural, moral and ideological, in order to complete and secure its control over the world. The force of Islam is the only remaining obstacle in the way of the Zionist Jewry. Therefore its leading aim is to crush the ideology of Islam and the religious spirit of the Muslims so thoroughly that Islam should never be able to rise again as a political force. That is why the Muslim People and the Muslim Countries are its primary targets.

The Zinjry has been employing an extremely cunning and effective strategy in a four-pronged offensive to crush the Muslim Countries.

Firstly, it has created through its agents severe sectarian, ethnic and social conflicts amongst the Muslims within each country.

Secondly, it has engineered deep divisiveness and mutual hostility between various Muslim Countries.

Thirdly, Zinjry has infiltrated into the leadership of various parties and groups in each Muslim country and has created its own puppets among them. It has then used selected puppets to take on a false Islamic cover and to enforce sham measures thereby bringing Islam into disrepute and making a mockery of it.

Fourthly, by means of powerful and widespread propaganda, the Zinjry has projected Islam as a great threat and danger to the non-Islamic people of the world thereby arousing animosity in them against the Muslims and Muslim Countries. In one of its most dreadful schemes, the Zinjry is engineering hostility and mutual clash between Christians and Muslims in every country in the world, wherever these two communities have been living so far in mutual peace and harmony. A worldwide Christian-Muslim clash, if successfully engineered by the Zinjry, will be devastating for the followers, practicing or non-practicing of the two religions. It will particularly harm the Muslim immigrants in the Western Countries and the Christian minorities in the Muslim Countries.

What the Zionist New World Order Means.

The NWO’s main features (i.e., the Zionist Global Goals) are indicated below:

1. Breaking up all major countries, including USA, China, India, Brazil and the Soviet Union, into Ethnic, Secular Cantons or Mini-states.

2. Combining the Mini-states into Regional Federations on Ethnic/Linguistic basis, and Governing them through the One-World Government of the United Nations.

3. Bringing about large-scale Population Shifts through Refugees, Employment-Seekers, Immigrants, Displaced Persons, etc, within/between countries to dilute the National spirit and to disrupt Social and Economic conditions within each country.

4. Eliminating the concept of Nationalism and Patriotism and replacing it with Internationalism and Globalism.

5. Privatizing National Industry, Banking, Public Services, and Utilities within each State, and linking the privatized industries/services to Jewish-controlled Multinationals.

6. Bringing State Economy, Budgeting, Commerce and all Development programs under International Organizations.

7. Sharply reducing or ending Military Capabilities (including Nuclear) of all States except Israel.

8. Exercising Central Control over World Economy, Finance, Commerce, Major Essential Commodities (e.g., Energy, Oil, Food), High Technology, Space Exploration, Armaments and R&D. Exercising Central Control over all Information dissemination through News Media and Publications.

9. Exercising Central Control over Global Intelligence, Spying, Terrorism, International Vice Rings and Drug Trade, and using these Instruments to Manipulate the regimes and the people in the States of the world.

10. Eliminating Traditional Difference between Virtue and Vice, and Spreading Zionistic Culture of Immorality, Vulgarity, Irreligiousness, Selfishness, and Money worship.

11. Discrediting the Religion of Islam, Maligning and Ridiculing it by various means, and Depicting it as impracticable in contemporary times.

12. Subverting and Ridiculing the Feminine Virtues and Overturning the Respected Status of Women. Exploiting young women and girls by Misleading them to be “Liberated” and to live and work Independently. Bringing more and more “Liberated Women” in top Political and Executive Positions in all countries especially the Muslim Countries.

13. Abolishing the Institutions of formal Marriage, Family togetherness and Home, and Taking young Children Away from Parental Care and Authority under the cunning strategy of Children’s Human Rights.

14. Expanding the Zionist State of Israel territorially, Enlarging its Jewish population by Ingathering of Jews, and making it the world’s number one power.

15. Placing Zionist Jews in Top Positions in the Regional Centres of Power and in the UN, and Turning the UN under the Zionist Jewry into the One-World Government.

Enforcement of the Zionist World Plot

The Zionist Jewry aims to enforce most of its NWO by 1997. Until then it will keep on engineering many economic and political crises, acts of extreme terrorism and sabotage, interventions and wars, in order to bring about the changes as well as to maintain an environment of maximum insecurity, disorder and demoralization for the people in every country. If it succeeds in its aims, it may establish a kind of peace under its own global dictatorship. It will be obvious even from a casual analysis of the main current affairs that every major event promotes several of the Zinjry’s aims together at the same time. For example, the ongoing breakup of the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, and Somalia is giving rise to flocks of Refugees, Ethnic tensions, Economic collapse, Corruption, and Immoral conduct.

Current Position

The Zinjry is unremittingly enforcing these goals that I had identified as early as September 1991. Its progress is phenomenal. Tragically, the people remain ignorant. Even the schemes of breakup of countries are steadily advancing. Britain is irreversibly set on the path of dissolution, with Scotland already having an independent parliament and Wales on the verge of having one. Groundwork for India’s breakup is in place. Its 29 states already function politically, economically and culturally as autonomous entities, disparate from the Center in New Delhi, and from each other. India’s federal structure will collapse with just one sharp jolt.

The 9/11 strikes were a big step in the Zinjry’s schemes to reshape the map of the United States. The events since then, including America’s ruinous entanglement in Afghanistan and Iraq, and widening of its internal divisions, have been further striking at the country’s roots.

Resources, Assets and Instruments

The Zinjry’s access to resources has a mystical element also. Just as the true men of God have the power of God behind them, similarly the disciples of Satan, who have dedicated themselves to defying God and spreading evil, are invested with the powers of Satan. This is not a conjecture but a reality. The Zionist International Jewry, as mentioned earlier, is “the party of Satan.” Thus, only they will vanquish it who are backed by the power of God.

Now, to the worldly aspect of the subject. The Zinjry, having acquired certain basic assets, has built up an enormous stock of resources, assets, and instruments. Most of these are identified below.

Inherent Zionist Traits

This is a primary asset, which has provided the Zinjry the building blocs for raising its evil structure for world dominance. Many notable sources, including the Talmud, and most notably the Old Testament and the Gospels, describe the inherent traits of the Zionist Jews. The most authoritative source is the Qur’an. Interestingly, the Protocols, a major source on this subject, corroborate what Qur’an depicts of the Zionist traits.

The traits identified are: cunning, deceit and treachery; spying; secretiveness; engineering enmity, conflicts and wars between nations; amassing gold, money and property; practicing usury, terrorism, ruthlessness, ungratefulness, arrogance; innate aptitude for make-believe, acting, imitation, disguise, forgery, hypocrisy, and for acquiring esoteric and occult knowledge and skills, including magic, sorcery, hypnotism, etc; indulgence in obscenity, incest, homosexuality, and other abominations; commitment to spreading every kind of vice, and moral and material corruption; deep hostility toward all righteous/God-fearing people, even if they are Jews; intense defiance toward God, and a penchant for capturing God’s powers.

All other communities too have people with wicked attributes, but they are no match to the Zionist Jews, neither do such people have the commitment in life, which the Zionists have, to bring the world under Zionism—the satanic system of life. But if such people ally themselves with the Zionist Jews then they do become Zionists in thought and character.

The Jewish People—and the Diaspora

These are two separate but interlinked resource elements. Centuries ago, the Zionist Jewry made it its first objective to gain full control over the Jewish people and to make them the core workforce for fulfilling its evil albeit disguised aims. The many machinations it used to this end included, dividing and bribing the rabbis and making some of them join its ranks, altering the Jewish sacred books and the religious doctrines and practices to suit its aims, making the Jewish masses compliant to its dictates through its financial stranglehold on them, keeping them constantly afraid and insecure by engineered cruel incidents of “anti-Semitism,” and winning their favour by making certain orthodox religious concepts, such as the Jews being an “ethnically exclusive one-nation and a chosen race,” a part of the ideology of Zionism.

Subsequently, two developments compelled the majority of the Jews to become Zionists or supporters of Zionism. One was the so-called Holocaust, the other was the movement led by the Zionist Jewry for creation of Israel. All along, the Zinjry was also taking other measures, such as, pushing up the Jews-turned-Zionists into key/influential positions in various fields of life, and building a formal organization to subjugate the vast majority of the Jews to itself, turning them into its bondsmen and bondswomen.

Diaspora means both the dispersion of the Jews, and the Jews so dispersed. The expulsion of the Jews from Palestine by the Roman authorities beginning in AD 70 scattered them over the Middle East and several other areas. Imagine the advantage to Zinjry: a large organized workforce available to it in so many countries! So, Zinjry says, “God has granted to us, His ‘chosen people,’ the gift of the Dispersion, and in this, which appears in all eyes to be our weakness, has come forth all our strength, which has now brought us to the threshold of sovereignty over all the world.” (Protocol 11, para 8 )

In a way, after this last Dispersion of AD 70, all the Jews, except a tiny number who remained behind in Palestine, became Diaspora Jews. The Zinjry proceeded to expand this asset, and long ago embarked on a planned program to ensure that the Jews were “dispersed” to every country in the world. Many of the Diaspora Jews, for their own benefit or on the Zinjry’s directions, hid their identity in the countries of their residence. Gradually, all the Jews, disguised or undisguised, living in a country outwardly adopted the local language, dress, customs, etc, and became almost indistinguishable from the natives.

The Zinjry literally “conquered” all Europe, the Soviet empire, the United States, Canada, South America, Australia, South Africa, Turkey, and is now in the process of conquering China and Japan, through the Diaspora Jews. In India and in all the countries in Africa, Central Asia and the Middle East, with few exceptions, the local Diaspora Jews are in key positions in both the governmental and private sectors. The world remains ignorant of this secret weapon of the Zinjry, because the International Media does not mention it, although publications on the subject have been available for some time. Do Muslim leaders and intellectuals know that the real decision makers in the Karzai regime in Kabul are Afghani Jews, just as they were in the earlier regimes, including those of Najibullah and Mullah Muhammad Omar? Only the faces and names have changed. The same situation prevails in Iraq. The guides or handlers of Osama Bin Laden and Mullah Omar are a mix of Afghani, Central Asian and Arabian Jews.

Zionist Jews in Key Positions in various Countries

This factor, mentioned above, needs more explanation. The Jewish citizens, in their countries of residence, have gained power and influence over the government, legislature, judiciary, media, education, economy, banking, trade, police, and the military. The Zinjry, by long-term planning, has been backing the Zionist Jews with its enormous resources to get to influential posts in these countries. In many cases, presidents, prime ministers, ministers, chief justices, police and military chiefs, and other top officials in these countries have been Jews. This planned situation continues. Mostly these Jews remain in disguise. Besides, they put on a zealously nationalistic front. Their work for the Zionist goals remains unknown to the people. They are very effective instruments of success for the Zinjry.

Old and Enduring Command Organization. Even in the period of Roman suzerainty over Palestine, the clique of covetous Zionist Jews had set up its own system of command and control over the Jewish people.

This Clique placed its laws above the Ten Commandments and formed a government whose control over its subjects was absolute. This government became henceforth known as the Kahal (meaning “community”). In dispersion, each community had its representative, its rabbi, its synagogue. Each was a miniature Kahal, dependent upon the central body.1

Having expanded and perfected its command organization, Zinjry created the World Zionist Organization (WZO) as its public front in 1897 at the first World Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland. The WZO has thousands of its branches and subsidiaries all over the world. They operate under different names that show no connection with the parent body. Many are designated as committees, clubs, human rights groups, fund-raising bodies, etc. These bodies have roped in all the Jews, except a small number. The WZO functions as the world government of the Jews. It has laid down a constitution, known as a charter, spelling out the WZO’s mission and the duties and obligations of the Jewish people to it. It is given in the Zionist Year Book 1988 on page 37. The charter commands the Jews to be solely loyal to Israel and to work for strengthening it.

Gold Reserves, Capital, and Property

“In our day,” say the Zionist Elders, “the power which has replaced that of the rulers is the power of Gold.” (Protocol 1, para 7)

The Zionist Jews understood the decisive role of gold in matters concerning currency, capital and commerce, and its value as an instrument of power. Apart from their own huge stocks of gold stored in their secret vaults in Switzerland, Birobidzhan and other secure places, they also control the Government’s gold reserves in America, Russia, England, etc. They have an insatiable greed also for gems, jewels and all types of precious items, including artwork.

Wherever big money is to be made, be it stock exchange, gambling, betting, lottery, the owners and top operators will be Zionist Jews. The Zinjry encourages and facilitates Zionist Jews to amass private wealth and properties in order to keep these out of the hands of non-Jews as well as to use these assets for advancing the Zionist schemes. The coterie known as “International Financiers” exclusively consists of Zionist Jews. The Jewish financiers and bankers, by a long and methodical process of financial manipulation led by money-lending, have gained control over global capital.

Banks, Investment Houses, and MNCs

These components, part of the machinery of control of Capital, deserve specific mention. All Big Business, Multinational Companies (MNCs), functioning in all sectors of business and industry, oil, energy, steel, armaments, aircraft, space, airlines, shipping, pharmaceutical, etc, are inextricably linked with the big banks and investment firms, owned by Zionist Jews. Their policies and operations keep in view the requirements of Zionist schemes and goals. They finance and direct innumerable Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) around the world, numbering into thousands in each of the developing countries.

The public hears every now and then about the debt burden of various countries, but hardly knows that it is to the Jewish-owned international banks and money-lending firms that each country owes its debt. The so-called ‘donor’ countries themselves owe heavy debts to the Moneylenders.

The world’s vast banking system is at the center of the Zinjry’s resource pool. Some of its facets are not known to most people. One of the most important banks is the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), at Basel, Switzerland. “It was established in 1930 as the Agency to handle the payment of Reparations by Germany after WWI and as an institution for cooperation among the Central Banks of the various countries.” 2 Since then, it has taken over many other functions. It is a private Jewish-owned bank. The largest amount of Reparations goes to Israel and is a pillar of its economy.

The most powerful financial institution the Zinjry commands is the Federal Reserve System (FRS), the Central Banking Authority of the United States. It was created by an act of US Congress in 1913. The American Zionists brought it about through clever manipulation. Apart from its other functions, it is the US Government’s fiscal agent, issues and controls the country’s entire supply of paper currency, is custodian of the reserve accounts of commercial banks, and makes loans to them. The FRS, an autonomous, private institution, consists of its own Board of Governors, the 12 Federal Reserve Banks (its branches in the country), the Federal Open Market Committee, the Federal Advisory Council, and approximately 5,800 member banks in the US.3 The Federal Reserve, not the US Government or the Congress, controls the US Economy, and thus the country’s power, prosperity and stability. One can imagine the power its Chairman wields.

Information Media, Advertising, Polling, etc

Every leader and intellectual claims to know the great power of the Media. In fact, few people have any idea of the Media’s real power and how it is being utilized to control and direct the thoughts and actions of the people everywhere! It is no exaggeration to say that Zinjry controls and directs all Media, international and domestic, print and electronic. Here the term Media, like Press, is used as a single mammoth entity.

The Zionist Jews own much of the world’s Media and certainly all its master organs and agencies, to which the rest of the Media in every country is enslaved. Zionist Jews owned Time Inc, Warner Brothers, CNN, and AOL even before their merger. All the big advertisers and pollsters in the US, EU, Russia, etc, are Zionist Jews, and they are the leading partners with the agencies in these fields in the other countries. In Zinjry’s view, advertising, polling, movies, computers, printing, publishing—every activity by which written, spoken, or pasteurised information and ideas are propagated to the public at large—is part of the Media.

So, Zinjry claims: “Not a single announcement will reach the public without our control. Even now this is already being attained by us inasmuch as all news items are received by a few agencies, in whose offices they are focused from all parts of the world. These agencies will then be already entirely ours and will give publicity only to what we dictate to them.” (Protocol 12, para 4).

The Elders of the Zion wrote these words in 1890 or so, when Christians owned many of the leading newspapers and journals in Europe and the US! Now, when the Zinjry owns the news Media fully, how much more is its hold over the announcements that reach the public? The Zinjry blocks anyone from entering the field of news Media, who could function outside its control or against its interests. More than twenty years ago an OIC summit took a decision to set up an Islamic news agency. No Muslim leader so far has come up with the will to have that decision implemented!

The Zionists even control the access to the areas where news is generated. Pakistan fought a proxy guerrilla war with the Soviet troops in Afghanistan for nearly 10 years, but not a single Pakistani journalist could go to Afghanistan to report from there! The rulers in Kabul, first Babrak Karmel, then Najibullah, allowed scores of Western and other journalists, including females, to come and report on the war, but didn’t allow any from Pakistan or another Muslim country! In early October 2001, as the US and British forces were poised to invade Afghanistan, its ruler Mullah Omar, guided by his Zionist Handlers, expelled all reporters, including Pakistanis, from Afghanistan, except the reporters of the Al-Jazeera satellite channel, which had been then recently set up in Qatar financed by its ruling family, as a proprietary of the CNN.

Saddam Hussein acted similarly. He ordered all news agencies except the Al-Jazeera to leave Iraq before 20 March 2003, when the US launched its war on Iraq. This was a repeat performance by him. He had done the same thing in January 1991, before the US attacked Iraq on the 17th. On 26 January 1991, Reuter disclosed, “There were only two foreign reporters left in Baghdad, Alfonso Rojo of the Spanish daily Al Mundo, and CNN’s Peter Arnet.”4 Both were Jews. The weekly Time, Feb 4, 1991 (page 57), also confirmed Arnet to be a Jew.

The CNN’s Al-Jazeera Channel was thus the sole agency that fed the world with the news of the Taliban’s Afghanistan and Saddam’s Iraq during the US invasions on the two countries. Its fabricated reporting showed the Taliban and the Saddam forces putting up brave and stiff resistance to the invaders. When in each case, in a matter of days, the rulers proved to be gutless and the country was overrun, and Omar, Osama and Saddam had fled (i.e., led by their handlers to new hideouts), the Al-Jazeera adopted a new role. It became the sole recipient and broadcaster of audio/video cassettes of Osama, Saddam, etc, by which these characters, otherwise hidden from the world, gave calls of Jihad and guerrilla attacks against the US!

Qatar being the US Central Command’s operational headquarter, Al-Jazeera’s sharply anti-US broadcasts became suspect even to the largely brainwashed television viewers. So, the US government financed a new CNN subsidiary, Al Arabia, based at Dubai.5 To give credibility to these Zionist-sponsored TV channels, the Zionists engineered killing of their reporters by so-called insurgents or US soldiers. An Al-Jazeera cameraman was killed by US troops in April 2003. On 18 March 2004, a cameraman and a correspondent of the Al-Arabia channel were killed by US soldiers in Baghdad.6 A week later “the US Army admitted responsibility for the ‘accidental’ killing of two Iraqi journalists working for the Al Arabia channel.”7

How is the Media being used, and what it is achieving?

Take a thoughtful look just at the news on television or in the press. The Media (i.e., the clique of its master managers) decides what is news and what is not, what prominence, publicity, space and importance is to be given to a story, to which people is it to be mainly directed, what effects, emotions and reactions should it evoke, what should be the style and tone of the story, what element of disinformation is to be mixed with it!

The Media reports the story, explains and analyses it, describes its linkage with past episodes, forecasts its future impact, offers its conclusion, creates designed images. The Media transmits knowledge, and shapes impressions, ideas, behaviour, actions and reactions, intentions and policies. It fabricates stories and fakes incidents, as required.

The Media is the largest, most profitable and most influential industry. The Zinjry puts the best minds to service its Media, to manufacture the material that it puts out. The top teams that feed and direct the Media consist of sociologists, psychologists, historians, political scientists, economists, journalists and writers or wordsmiths, each a specialist in his field. Earmarked experts from other professions, sciences, industry, technology, business, medicine, law, art, military, religion, etc, are readily available to assist as required. The highly paid Media men are provided all kinds of reference and research facilities. The top people in the Media, invariably Zionist Jews, know the Zionist goals and the game plan.

There is close collaboration among the Zionist Jews in the Media, intelligence agencies, administration, and the political leadership, in all the Western Countries. Important operatives from the Media also find appointments in the secret agencies and the administration. “Former CIA Director Richard Helms was a newspaper executive best known for his interviews of Hitler.” 8 Time’s essayist, Strobe Talbot, was US Deputy Secretary of State in 1994.

Centres of Higher Learning and Scientific Studies

Dominance over the universities, institutes of science and technology and research and development, and centres of higher learning in various disciplines provides the Zinjry with a significant asset. Money being the engine for higher education and scientific research and experimentation, Zionist Jews are in control in this field also. They decide the syllabi of studies and the scope of research, and who can have access to which subjects of higher learning. Even the institutes of higher Islamic studies in the West function under their charge and guidance. Samuel Lewis, a top Zionist schemer against Islam and the Muslim Ummah, who is said to be an authority on Shiite history and teachings, held the chair of Princeton’s Islamic Studies Center. Jews occupy the top posts at the Islamic Studies Center in Montreal’s McGill University.

Science and Technology

The Zionists guard their monopoly over advanced science and technology (S&T) as jealously as they do for Capital and Media. The non-Zionist specialists in the various fields of high technology are prevented for years from learning about new revolutionary technologies and the destructive ways in which these would be or were being applied against mankind. If some secrets leak out, the Media is told to smother the information and the sources of leaks are throttled. Science and technology has no doubt done wonders for the benefit of life in this world and will continue to do so. On the other hand, devastating weapons and frightful potential products of cloning and genetic engineering, among other horrors, are also the fruits of S&T.

The Zinjry has single mindedly concentrated on using S&T for its pernicious purposes. It employs science and technology for numerous such purposes e.g., manufacturing drugs, viruses and bacteria for controlling the human mind and changing human nature, suppressing or eliminating the noble human traits such as spirituality and sense of honour and moral ideals, and arousing the negative traits such as selfishness, greed and pursuit of sensual pleasures; for artificially inducing existing or new debilitating diseases in human beings, animals, fowls, crops, etc; for changing natural ecological conditions, climate and weather patterns; for engineering famines, floods, cyclones, and earthquakes.

The three natural disasters that devastated different parts of the world within a span of ten months, i.e., the Tsunami in the Indian Ocean southwest of Sumatra on 26 December 2004, the Hurricane Katrina in southern United States on 29 August 2005 and the 7.6 magnitude Earthquake in Azad Kashmir and north-eastern Pakistan on 8 October 2005, were engineered by design by Zionist teams of ecological warfare specialists for Zinjry’s political goals. In my book on Global Game, a chapter, The 1990 Earthquake in Iran: A Case of Environmental Warfare throws light on such schemes.

Publishing Business and Books Trade

The episode of the difficulty experienced by a prominent American scholar and public figure, Paul Findley, in having his book They Dare to Speak Out published in his own country has been mentioned earlier. The Zinjry exercises strong influence over the publishing houses all over the West. The above-mentioned book, published in 1985, was not marketed to Pakistan; yet all kinds of trash writing and books against Muslims and Pakistan, and those that advance Zinjry’s other interests get promptly published and marketed to Pakistan, as also to other countries. Books such as, The International Jew, Pawns in the Game, Waters Flowing Eastward, cannot find a publisher or a bookseller in the West.

If books by Noam Chomsky and William Blum, and other such loud critics of America, are readily published in the US or Britain, and are quickly available in Pakistan, there is a reason. Their books promote the Zionist aims: they condemn America, call it a rogue state and instigate the world against it, but never say a word about the Zionist Jewry. They keep this real international arch-rogue hidden from the world.

Intelligence and Spying

Even in the ancient times, wherever the Zionist leaders were located they had bands of spies and subversive agents in their service. As their power and ambitions grew so did the strength of the clandestine bands. Their policy was to install disguised local Jews in the secret services of various rulers and chieftains. This enabled them to know the rulers’ secret activities and intentions, to breed hostility among the rulers and then to offer assistance in spying and secret work to each of the hostile/fighting parties.

The Zinjry expanded and institutionalized its secret service, which came to be known later as ILSA, the Israeli Legions of Saboteurs, and Assassins. Information concerning ILSA and Zinjry’s command over all the intelligence and secret organizations in the Western Countries and their close allies is given in the previous pages. The Zinjry’s infiltrators, as active agents, moles, or sleepers, exist in all the secret services of other countries, including China and North Korea. Undercover Zionist operatives are present also in all the resistance or freedom movements, such as in Palestine, Northern Ireland, Spain’s Basque region, Indian-Occupied Kashmir, Chechnya, the Kurdish regions, China’s Central Asian region, the Tamil area in Sri Lanka, the Maoists in Nepal, and in Nagaland, Assam, Tripura, Sikkim, Bihar and East Punjab in India. As mentioned earlier, Israel and the other Zionist sources supply weapons and intelligence to all of these movements.

The Al-Qaida, of course, is fully under MOSSAD’S control, but the Zionists have also infiltrated all the other so-called Jihadi armed groups. This can be ascertained, without any exceptional effort, by systematic, penetrating analysis of the location, timing, targets, orchestration, and the results of the major terrorist acts by these groups. The conclusions prove the terrorists have no aims of their own; they only carry out what serves the Zionist schemes and aims.

Secret Societies and Grand Lodges and Leagues

The Organized Jewry is the founder, owner, patron, controller, or the financier of all such bodies. Indeed, in most cases all these roles belong to it. In her brilliantly researched book on the subject, Nesta Webster exposes the following secret cliques, societies and movements: Jewish Cabalists, Knights Templers, Ismailies, Maymunites or Batinis, Karmathites, Druzes, Assassins, Rosicrucians, Satanism, Freemasonry, and Illuminati.9 She missed the super secret order, the Priory of Sion, “which created the Templers as its military and administrative arm,” and was existing “in 1070, twenty-nine years before the First Crusade.”10 The founders of the heretical secret sects and movements in Islam belonged to Jewish families, masquerading as Shias or Sunnis. Abdullah ibn Maymun was a Jew from southern Persia, and Hamdan Karmath from Iraq. Ismail Darazi was a Turkish Jew living in Egypt and Hasan ibn Sabah, the founder of the Assassins, was a Khorasani Jew.

Webster gives the locations and functions of a number of Grand Lodges of Freemasons and also reveals their secret but very significant role in creating destabilization, anarchy, moral, and social decadence, and revolutions in various countries. She calls Socialism and Communism as Open Subversive Movements.

She points to the role of Jews in each of these secret societies and movements. Significantly, her book starts with the founders of the Jewish Cabala and ends with the chapter “The Real Jewish Peril,” the danger, she says, the world faces from the subversive force of organized Jewry. All but a few of these secret movements are still continuing, operating now under one flag, that of Zinjry.

Heretical Religious Creeds

Having distorted and debased Judaism, the Zinjry thoroughly subverted its next target, Christianity, by many covert means. A principal method was by creating scores of dissident sects and false creeds within Christianity. Zinjry did the same with Islam, which it considered its most formidable foe. All the heretical creeds disguised as Islam, including the creeds of the Ismailis, the Druzes, the Bahais, the Babis, and the Qadiaynis, were masterminded and reared by Zinjry. Their followers serve as faithful and very useful tools of the Zinjry and its allies. All of these subversive profane creeds have their representative offices established in Israel.

Occult Knowledge and Magic

Generally, people are unaware of this subject and its use by the Zionists to advance their schemes. Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) covers a number of forms or phenomena, e.g., telepathy, autosuggestion, hypnotism, and psycho kinesis (PK), i.e., the power to move matter with mind alone. Zionist Jews dominate this field and that of magic, in all the Western Countries, including Russia, where these occult subjects are studied, developed, or practiced systematically and in earnest. Just a glimpse would show what ESP was able to achieve nearly 40 years ago. “In 1967 telepathy pulsed in code from Moscow to Leningrad while sophisticated space-age equipment monitored the brain of the receiver. Soviet scientists say that with the help of the machines they were able to decode the message; they say they were able to transmit words telepathically from mind-to-mind across four hundred miles of space.”11

It is possible to influence the mind, and thus behaviour, of a person, and to move or change the shape of material objects, through ESP. The intensive research in progress in subjects, such as the human soul, brain, cloning, particle physics that is concerned with the origin, properties, and fate of subatomic particles, and quantum mechanics that deals with the motion of these particles, is helping bring ESP to the threshold of proper science. If ESP, like electricity, can be generated by physical means the scope of the application of its power would be unlimited. In any case those who understand its characteristics know that even in its present only partially understood form, its power surpasses that of the other existing sources of power.

How the Zionists are using magic to accomplish their schemes and aims is difficult to pinpoint. But of this, one can be certain that they exercise almost an exclusive hold over this evil trade and they have always used it in their malevolent ambitions and pursuits, because they are the party of the Satan and magic is a satanic skill. The Qur’an warns that the sorcerers could sow discord between man and wife.12 This being the most intimate relationship, it means magic can be used to generate conflict between any two persons, however close to each other and at whatever places they may be. Such cases, where certain leaders of different countries or within the same country, who were mutually very friendly, turned hostile to each other within no time, are on record. Conversely, magic could also be used to engineer friendliness between two mutually hostile leaders. Magic is also used in a variety of other ways, e.g., to create illusions in people, disorientate them; throw them into severe depression, etc. Astrological knowledge is also regularly employed in manipulating important persons to make them do things that normally they would not do.

The Underworld of Crime and Sabotage

Organized high-scale sabotage and crime has been turned into an effective tool by Zinjry. The Underworld of Crime Syndicates, including Mafia and South American Drug Cartels, operates in all the big cities in North and South America, Europe, Russia, Japan, India and now China. Their offshoots, just as tightly organized, operate in other key target countries, like Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, etc. The trained criminals and saboteurs from the big syndicates are deployed, as required by Zinjry, in all the countries to guide the local rings of terrorists, touts, smugglers, dacoits, kidnappers, assassins and arsonists. These gangs besides promoting Zinjry’s various evil aims generate a lot of money for their Zionist Masters. Other categories of such elements consisted of the Red Brigades of Italy, Red Army of Japan, Tribal Gangs of Britain, the Skinheads, Neo-Nazis, etc. The Zinjry directs this organized underworld through ILSA, Mussed and JDL, the Jewish Defence League, itself a ruthless subversive gang that functions under camouflage.

Control of the Underworld of Crime has enabled Zinjry to command a number of evil trades to promote its schemes and aims. These instruments include Alcoholic Drinks, Narcotics, Gambling, Pornography, and all forms of evils called Sex Industry.

Servants of the Zionist Order

The Zinjry has raised a worldwide workforce—of its “Servants.”13 To describe them, the Protocols uses certain terms—interesting and understandable and that fit various ‘distinguished’ people in every country.

“The men we place in power are the servants of our Agentur.”14 Our international Agentur possesses millions of eyes ever on the watch.”15 Agentur means the whole body of agencies and agents, including the Jewish bondsmen and the non-Jewish tools, whom the Elders or the Schemers employ in the Zionist schemes.

“The administrators whom we shall [place in power], with strict regard to their capacities for servile obedience, will not be persons trained in the arts of government, and therefore will easily become pawns in our game.” (Protocol 2, para 2)

“We were the first to cry among the masses the words ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,’ words many times repeated since those days by stupid poll-parrots who from all sides flew down upon these baits and with them carried away the well-being of the world.” (Protocol 1, para 25)

[These three words] “brought to our ranks, thanks to our blind agents, whole legions who bore our banners with enthusiasm.”

“We have contingents of liberals…from the Goyim into the ranks of our livestock cattle.” (Protocol 19, para 4)

“Liberalism is a poison… When we introduced this poison in the State organism its whole political complexion underwent a change.” (Protocol 10, paras 8, 9)

Words such as, puppets, pawns, tools, minions, etc, are often used as interchangeable with each other, to describe the non-Jewish civil, military and religious leaders, intellectuals, journalists, businessmen and others who are serving the Zionist interests, knowingly or unknowingly. The non-Jewish Agentur, the body of the Zionist servants, is perhaps Zinjry’s most productive resource, especially in the Muslim Countries.

Women as Special Agents

The Zionist Elders disclose in the Protocols how they use Jewish women to promote their schemes. “The peoples of the Goyim (non-Jews) are bemused with alcoholic liquors; their youth has grown stupid from early immorality, into which it has been induced by our special agents—by tutors, lackeys, governesses in the houses of the wealthy, by our women in the places of dissipation frequented by the Goyim. In the number of these last I count also the so-called “society ladies”—voluntary followers of others in corruption and luxury.” (No.1, para 22)

Having misled the Jewish males in the very early period of Zionism, the evil clique of Elders deluded the Jewish women and turned them into a major tool in their satanic schemes. While employing them to corrupt the men folk everywhere, the Zionists guided the Jewish women to use their natural guile and charm to derail the womenfolk of the other communities and thus mould them also into becoming the tools of Zionism. This planned process continues steadfastly and extensively.

Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

Twenty years ago NGOs were unknown. Some were operating, but well in the background. Today, NGOs are rivalling the government in influence and authority in every developing country. Tens of thousands of them are operating in an average country such as Bangladesh, working in all sectors of life. Their vast majority, even those using official-sounding names, is funded and directed from abroad—by Zinjry’s agencies. The World Bank, ADB, UNDP, etc, have compelled the governments to associate NGOs, giving them necessary authority, in many of the so-called development projects, funded by these financiers. These NGOs are studiously implementing the Zionist goals.

The Movie Industry

The Zionist thinkers and schemers understood, more than anyone else, the powerful appeal of movies to the human psyche, and they have all along used this medium with resounding success in their interests. It is inexplicable why in a country like Pakistan the intellectuals and the national policymakers have remained incapable of understanding and gainfully using this medium of immense influence. With their monopoly over big money, the Zionist financiers control the entire movie industry, including the distribution of movies and the movie houses. Through the medium of movies, Zinjry has thoroughly corrupted the moral and intellectual abilities of the people and taught them a completely distorted version of history that suits the Zionist world order.

The Fashion Industry

The world of high fashion, hot couture, beauty aids, etc, is also in the hands of Jews. It is a tremendous resource for Zinjry, especially for its global goal of wrecking the morals of the young people. The fashion trade is a leading channel that the Zionists employ to despoil the decent norms of dress, culture, and behaviour of people and to spread indecency, immodesty, depravity, and homosexuality. This last evil is phenomenally rampant among the leading fashion designers in Europe and the US.

Exclusive Network for Planning and Execution

Many organizations created by Zinjry and serving its aims are well known to the world. These include NATO, European Union, G8, G20, OAS, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), World Economic Forum, World Social Forum, ASEAN, SAARC, GCC, and now the African Union. However, a vital part of the Zionist machinery for world control is its network of interlocking exclusive cells or clubs that plan and implement the schemes for enforcement of the Zionist world order. Some of these, about which the Zionist Media only occasionally leaks information, are identified below.

The Bilderberg Group

A Jewish political theorist from Poland Dr Joseph H. Ratinger and Netherlands’ Prince Bernhard (a Jew in disguise) founded this club in 1952. It first met in 1954 near Arnhem in the Netherlands at the Hotel de Bilderberg, from which the group derives its name. Its members, around 120 in all, are from Europe and the US and come from both the private and the governmental sector. The group maintains an office in The Hague, has a 30-member steering committee and meets every year at some secure spot.

Council on Foreign Relations

Formed in August 1921, this club has its members, who numbered over 2000 in 1980, mainly from the US and Britain. The CFR has several chapters. It allows outsiders to attend certain meetings to keep the world deceived about its secretive nature. Allen W. Dulles was the CFR director for over 30 years before becoming the head of CIA in February 1953. Since then nearly all CIA chiefs, including Richard Helms, William Colby, George Bush Sr. and William Casey, have been former Council members. Its headquarter is in New York. Since 1922, it has been publishing Foreign Affairs, which very skilfully projects the Zionist strategic schemes camouflaged as US foreign policy interests. The CFR has strong ties with the US Establishment.

Business Roundtable

This club of chief executive officers from some major US firms came into being in early 1970, with General Electric’s Fred Borch, a Jew, playing a key role in its formation. With 200 of America’s largest firms as its members, this group exercises a commanding influence on US economic and legislative policy. Its headquarter with a permanent staff of 20 is in New York but it runs an active office in Washington, DC. A committee of 15 members functions as the governing body; it elects a chairman and three co-chairmen. The Roundtable meets regularly each June. It works toward its goals through task forces of its members which study and process a wide variety of issues.

Trilateral Commission

This agency brings together some 300 selective political, intellectual and business decision makers from three regions, North America, Europe and Japan. The driving force behind the TC was banking magnate David Rockefeller, whose family’s roots are Jewish. The first meeting of the TC’s executive committee was held in October 1973 in Tokyo. Zbigniew Brzezinski became the commission’s director. The TC has three headquarters with full-time staff in New York, Paris and Tokyo. It publishes its activities in an in-house bulletin called Trialogue. The TC’s task forces deal with such topics as international trade, energy, monetary reforms, and labour management.

World Bank and IMF

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, known as the World Bank, and its sister agency, the International Monetary Fund, IMF, were conceived at the UN Monetary and Financial Conference at Bretton Woods, N.H., USA, in July 1944. The World Bank began operating in June 1946. Its first loans for reconstruction projects went to Western Europe, but thereafter it corralled every country in its loan net. The IMF’s initial job was to stabilize exchange rates and regulate the international flow of currency.

The World Bank works hand in hand with IMF. They share headquarters in Washington, publish a quarterly, Finance and Development, and hold a joint annual meeting. They actually operate as a WB-IMF Consortium. In both institutions, the real power of policy making and implementation is exercised by executive directors, headed by a president in the case of World Bank and a managing director in that of IMF. In their shape, functions, authority and might, these two agencies are today unrecognizable from their original character.

Until about the mid-1970s, their dealings with the developing states were marked by helpfulness and a low-key, soft approach. The public hardly heard about the World Bank and IMF, and certainly nothing about their “conditionalities,” i.e., the conditions to be fulfilled by the client state to qualify for loans. In the following decade everything changed, and Pakistan and the other developing states were throttled as if by iron shackles. The conditionalities intervened in every sector of life from politics and economy to education and health. Within each sector they intervened in every matter. For example, in education, the conditionalities demanded making co-education compulsory in schools, introducing sex education at the primary school level, removing religious teachings from the syllabi of studies, transferring control of education from the government to private sector, etc.

Any intelligent observer could see just from what appeared in the press that the WB-IMF Consortium was dictating the national policies in all its client states. Note this story: “Parliamentary Secretary for food and agriculture told the National Assembly (in Islamabad) that the General Sales Tax (GST) on agricultural inputs could not be withdrawn because of the IMF Conditions. The Government could neither withdraw the GST nor could it extend subsidies to the agricultural inputs.” The story, published in Dawn, March 26, 2004, had an intriguing error in its headline. The big headline in bold letters was “No Withdrawal of Subsidies on Farm Inputs.” This was exactly the reverse of the story! The headline should have informed, “No Withdrawal of GST, No Grant of Subsidies on Farm Inputs.” Was the error inadvertent? No, this is one of the many ways to confuse and dupe the public!

That the World Bank and IMF are dictating the state policies is alarming enough, but what is far more alarming, that hardly anyone realizes, is, that all state policies being shaped by conditionalities are fulfilling the Zionist Goals.

United Nations and UN Security Council

The UN was established by charter on 24 October 1945, two months and ten days before Japan ceased fighting on 14 August and WWII came to an end. It inherited most of its aims and its structure from its predecessor, the League of Nations. The League, formed after WWI by agreement amongst the Western Allies at the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, had functioned till the beginning of WWII. The League was very much a Zionist project and it met Zionism’s vital requirements for which it was designed. It provided for a system whereby colonies in Asia and Africa were parcelled out to the Allied powers in the form of mandates. Britain was given the mandate over Palestine, and thus the groundwork was laid for creating the Zionist state of Israel.

The UN’s first secretary general (1946-52) was a Norwegian Jew, Trygve Halvdan Lie, and the first president of the General Assembly was a Belgian Jew, Paul-Henri Spaak. The current secretary general, Kofi Annan is a Jew from Ghana; his predecessor, Boutros Ghali, was an Egyptian Jew masquerading as a Christian. A vast number of international organizations, most of them spawned by the UN itself, dealing with every sector of international affairs as well as domestic affairs of states, work in affiliation with or under the UN. Some of these, well known even by their initials are: UNESCO, UNDP, WHO, UNICEF, UNHCR, IAEA, ILO, FAO and ITU. The list also includes, IMF, World Bank, WTO and several other international organizations and conventions or conferences that have come into being in recent years. With all these bodies functioning as its tentacles, the UN is like a giant octopus with a stranglehold on all of its 191 member states. The UN’s top organ and power center is its 15-member Security Council. Of these, five, US, Russia, France, Britain and China, are permanent members with veto powers; they make all the important decisions. The remaining ten are non-permanent members, who act just as show pieces on the stage and have no role in decision-making. In practice, the Quartet of four Western states wields the real power. The People’s Republic of China, which took up its seat on the Council in 1971, has so far shown no sign that it is integrated with the Quartet. But on the other hand it has kept a non-obtrusive, compromising attitude on numerous decisions at the Council, which were made by the Quartet and which clearly promoted the Zionist aims.

The top Zionist schemers had pre-planned the gargantuan structure that the UN has now acquired and that envelops every aspect of the life of the world’s nations. The United Nations was designed to function as World Government with the Security Council, acting as the apparent ruler, working under the hidden real ruler, the Zionist International Jewry. The UN has performed as designed. It is immaterial, although unfortunate, if most people do not realize it. In the coming years the Zinjry plans to reshape the Security Council and several other UN constituents to bring this Organization in line with the structure and authority planned for the Zionist One-World Government.

Strategies and Methods of Operations

We define strategy as the art and science of employing all the overt and covert resources and forces, such as, the political, economic, social, educational, academic, psychological, mass media, technological and the military, available to an organized body, in the best possible ways to achieve pre-planned objectives and goals. The power of imagination and the qualities of organization and determination are the key ingredients of perfect strategies to get the maximum advantage out of available resources. The Zionist schemers have been using literally innumerable strategies and methods in employing their vast resources to deceive, brainwash and herd the nations of the world to their satanic ideology of life. In the Zionist Game very often resources, strategies and aims merge into each other: a strategy becomes a resource as well as an aim, and so on.

Protocols—A Copious Source of Strategies

The Protocols reveals in detail the strategies, tactics and machinations that would be used to attain the Zionist Goals. The Zionist Elders correctly estimated that this vital knowledge like the other matters in the Protocols would escape the notice of the intellectuals of the Gentiles— rendered superficial in thought by the Zionist techniques!

Two secrets disclosed in Protocol-5 are remarkably lucid in describing the Zionist strategies:

In order to put public opinion into our hands we must bring it into a state of bewilderment by giving expression from all sides to so many contradictory opinions and for such length of time as will suffice to make the Goyim lose their heads in the labyrinth…This is the first secret.

The second secret requisite for the success of our Government is comprised in the following: To multiply to such an extent national failings, habits, passions, conditions of civil life, that it will be impossible for anyone to know where he is in the resulting chaos, so that the people in consequence will fail to understand one another. This measure will also serve us in another way, to sow discord in all parties, to dislocate all collective forces which are still unwilling to submit to us, and to discourage any kind of personal initiative which might in any degree hinder our affairs. There is nothing more dangerous than personal initiative; if it has genius behind it, such initiative can do more than can be done by millions of people among whom we have sown discord.

Leading Strategies

From among the multitude of Zionist strategies some are identified below. Although each of these could be profusely illustrated with examples, it wasn’t manageable here to treat each in this way.

Multi-Layered Deception, Remaining Hidden, Ultra-Long Advance Planning While most of the strategies are interlinked, these three are particularly interdependent. Every Zionist scheme or move is covered by multi-layered deception. If the opponents or the victims can see through the top cover of deception, what they will see will be another layer of deception, and so on. People are kept busy looking for the aims of moves and events in the light of the crafted cover stories, which they think are real! Deception keeps Zinjry invisible, and thus enables it to plan events many decades in advance, which in turn facilitates ultra-deep deception.

The Elders boast of their strategy of invisibility: “Who and what is in a position to overthrow an invisible force? And this is precisely what our force is. Gentile masonry blindly serves as a screen for us and our objects, but the plan of action of our force, even its very abiding place, remains for the whole people an unknown mystery. (Protocol 4, para 2)


The ultimate reason of this satanic Clique’s phenomenal success can be described in just two words: Secrecy and Deception. The Clique fiercely guards its secrecy. It makes no distinction between its Gentile minions and Jew bondsmen in putting people out of existence to preserve its secrets. Many prominent minions, including Z.A.Bhutto, Sheikh Mujib and Anwar Sadat, were eliminated because Zinjry wanted to stamp out all possibility of divulgence of the secret nature of work that each of them had performed for the Zionist interests.

Make-Believe, Illusions, Virtual Reality

This is the most commonly and widely used form of strategy, and amazingly never fails to delude the Gentile intellectuals and leaders and the Jewish people. The Clique boasts: “He who wishes to rule must have recourse to cunning and to make-believe.” (Protocol 1, para 11).

People are made to believe something that does not exist or are told lies and are made to believe it is truth. With their cunning and resourcefulness, the Zionist schemers have become adept at creating what is known as “virtual reality”—a false theory, move or a situation that appears to be real! There are hundreds of examples of this strategy in operation.

The rulers in Pakistan and many other countries, for example, have been religiously following for over a decade the World Bank and IMF dictates on make-believe Poverty Reduction Program. Every year the economic survey reports that poverty in the masses has increased! In fact, any thinking individual could see that the economic measures, dictated by the World Bank and IMF, that the government had been taking and that included withdrawal of subsidies, curbs on recruitment and employment, constant rise in the charges of electricity, gas, petrol and water, and in the prices of essential food items, were designed to impoverish the masses.

It was through masterfully constructed “virtual reality” around its 9/11 mega-terror scheme that the Zinjry made the world believe the patently stupid proposition that Osama Bin Laden’s outfit had blinded and debilitated the US authorities, the CIA, FBI, FAA, NSA and the ever-on-guard North American Aerospace Defence Command, and had taken control of the US airspace for an hour in broad daylight, hijacked four passenger planes and destroyed the Twin Towers and a part of the Pentagon! Ironically, it was more the elite, the rulers, leaders and intellectuals, than the masses, who accepted this stupidity. What more could one say about the magic of make-believe and virtual reality?

Propagation of False Theories

Planning decades in advance for the conditions and environment desired by them for their objectives, the Zionist schemers invent matching theories and propagate them through the Jewish militias of political functionaries, political scientists and media men. They claim, “…we are constantly, by means of our press, arousing a blind confidence in these theories. The intellectuals of the goyim will puff themselves up with their knowledge and without any logical verification of them will put into effect all the information available, which our Agentur specialists have cunningly pieced together for the purpose of educating their minds in the direction we want.” (Protocol 2, para 2)

Two striking examples of strategic deception are very briefly highlighted here. To deceive the world and mislead the American nation into war in Viet Nam, the Zionist planners fabricated the theory of “Falling Dominoes,” as early as 1953. The argument was that if the French vacated Viet Nam and it became a communist state, there would be “A chain reaction of nations [of South East Asia] falling into the Communist Camp like a row of falling dominoes.”16 With this “justification,” the United States was thrust into the quagmire of fighting in Viet Nam in the early 1960s, according to Zinjry’s program. Subsequently, the fraudulent theory was exposed, but only after 55000 Americans had been killed and more than 150,000 wounded and the 10-year long aimless war had left the American nation divided and demoralized. In 1975, the US made a humiliating military retreat from South Viet Nam, which was overrun by the North. Viet Nam was united, but not a single state in the region fell to Communism!

In early 1950s, two theories appeared simultaneously projecting the Indian Ocean as a crucial geopolitical area. One was the so-called “Warm Waters Theory.” It claimed that Tsar Peter I of Russia had a grand design to expand his empire to the south to the warm waters of the Arabian Sea and had left a will at his deathbed that Russia must expand in that direction. The theory asserted that the rulers of the Soviet Union intended to pursue the same grand design. The Zionist publicists propagated it widely and made it more attractive by coupling it with another theory, based on a quote said to be of renowned American naval thinker Alfred Thayer Mahan. The statement, profusely quoted in books and journals, was: “The Indian Ocean was of vital importance; it was the key to the Seven Seas, and in the 21st century whoever controlled the Indian Ocean would control the destiny of the world.”

Peter’s will was a forgery by an 18th century Jewish diplomat Chevalier d’ Eon of France. The Soviet forces invaded Afghanistan in December 1979 and kept it occupied for nearly 10 years, and then left without having made any move whatsoever or giving the slightest sign of advancing toward the “warm waters” of the Arabian Sea! As for “Mahan’s quote,” I had suspected it to be a forgery after studying Mahan’s writings and statements and not finding it there. To have conclusive proof, I wrote to the specialists on Mahan in America. They confirmed that this statement on the Indian Ocean did not exist in Mahan’s writings or speeches!

The theories had been fabricated by Zinjry’s master spinners of fake theories. Apart from their other uses, these theories were used to create reasons for the United States to establish permanent naval presence in the Indian Ocean. Thus the US Fifth Fleet was created exclusively for this Ocean. A string of naval bases, including the powerful all-purpose base at Diego Garcia, were set up throughout the region. All this was completed by the end of the 1980s, so that American military forces and facilities were readily available for the wars of aggression and destruction that the Zinjry had programmed against the Muslim States in the Indian Ocean region, in the next schemes of its global Plot.

The world saw the unfolding and implementation of the Zionist schemes: Deployment of half a million US forces in the Gulf States in 1990, the First US War on Iraq in January 1991, the US-British War of Attrition against the vanquished Iraq and consolidation of the US Military Occupation of the Gulf States between 1991 and 2001, Cruise Missiles Attack on Afghanistan by the US Fifth Fleet in August 1998, US War on Afghanistan in October 2001, Second US War on Iraq in March 2003.

Creating Colossal Disorder, Infiltrating All Parties, Inciting Rulers to Misuse of Power. Generating intense all-round disorder in the target States serves the Zinjry in many ways. It weakens the State and the society, frustrates the people makes them rebellious, drives them to mutual feuds and diverts their attention from the real threats. The systems of the State are dislocated, allowing the Zionist systems to step in. “In order to incite seekers after power to misuse of power we have set all forces in opposition one to another…We have stirred up every form of enterprise, we have armed all parties…Abuses of power will put the final touch in preparing all institutions for their overthrow…By want and the envy, and hatred which it engenders, we shall move the mobs and with their hands we shall wipe out all those who hinder us on our way.” (Protocol 3, paras 3, 4 and 8 )

Infiltration into all parties, political, social, educational, religious, military, etc, is by itself a standard strategy of the Zionist Jews. A well-known illustration is that the largest financial contributors to both the Republican and the Democratic Parties in America are Jews.

Joining with the Rising Power

This has been a very successful strategy for Zinjry and one that it began to practice two thousand years ago, when the Romans expelled the Jews from Jerusalem. It was in the nature of this smart strategy that as it joined with the new rising power the Zinjry would weaken its old ally and have it vanquished by the new big power! Jews would pose as the most ardent promoters of the interests of the new power and would win the trust of its leaders, who had no idea of the Zionist Game.

Louis Bertrand encapsulated this Jewish strategy in The History of Spain. “Throughout the centuries the attitude of the Jews remained the same: they were the allies of the Africans against the Spaniards, of the Muslims against the Christians, and of the Christians against the Muslims, when the tide turned.”17

In the early 8th century, the Zionist leadership saw the Muslim power rising and aligned itself with the Muslims when they invaded Spain. In the 15th century as the Christians in Spain gathered power the Jews became their allies. They not only subverted the strength of the Muslims to have them defeated but also participated with the Christian authorities in massacring and decimating the Spanish Muslims. Historians were left ignorant of this factor in focusing on the cruelties of the Christian rulers against the Spanish Muslims, because Zinjry put a tight lid over it. As the Muslim power collapsed in Spain, it rose at the other end of the Mediterranean in the shape of Ottoman Turkey. Very soon the Jews became trusted supporters of the Ottoman rulers and served them in various ways against the European powers. A few centuries later, they were allies of Russia and then of Britain against Turkey!

The Zinjry backed Napoleon against the rest of Europe

Then, as Britain seemed to be shaping as the dominant power, Zinjry joined with the British. Then it transferred its favours to the United States and, later, simultaneously befriended the Soviet Union. Breaking up the Soviet Union was a scheme of the Zinjry’s One-World Plot. The Zinjry has now ensconced itself in the key centres of the next two rising big powers, the European Union and the People’s Republic of China, and it is now actively engaged in knocking down the political unity, economic stability and the superpower image of the United States of America.

Joining Unseen with the Forces of Inevitable Change. Although major events or changes are normally engineered by Zinjry itself, radical developments also arise as a consequence of the natural inexorable process of history or as an inevitable reaction to a move engineered by Zinjry. The Zionist strategic planners have a regular strategy to deal with such contingencies. Their Jewish agents join with the indigenous forces emerging with the new revolutionary developments. They not only become a part of the emerging forces but also become their suppliers of finances, logistics and intelligence, and thus they get into a position of controlling these forces and directing them toward the Zionist/Israeli objectives. Since deep knowledge and foresight and constant monitoring of the situation can give an idea of the events to be expected, the Zionist schemers are often able to actually initiate the “forces of inevitable change.”

This crafty strategy is at work in the Iraqi Resistance against the US occupation of Iraq. After Iraq had been run over and occupied by the US military in April 2003, an armed movement against the invaders was a natural reaction of the Iraqi masses. Very soon a number of groups, called variously as militants, freedom fighters or guerrillas sprang up to attack the US-led Coalition forces. Iraqi and other Arabic-speaking Jews of the Israeli Legions of Saboteurs and Assassins (ILSA), posing as anti-American patriotic Iraqis or Muslim Jihadis, joined these groups. The public may not realize it but resistance groups cannot carry out effective and sustained operations without substantial and uninterrupted supplies of funds, weapons, intelligence, new recruits and safe houses. This support to the Iraqi guerrillas, and thus their command and control, is in the Zinjry’s hands. It is also true for the Afghan guerrillas.

People wondered why the Iraqi militants had been attacking Iraq’s oil pipelines, harbour installations, public facilities, such as water and electricity, police stations, prisons and even worshippers in mosques. The guerrillas were killing Iraqis, including women and children, in huge numbers but very few US troops; from March 2003 (the date of US occupation of Iraq) to end of 2005, reported casualties of US troops were just over 2000 while those of Iraqis were over 50,000. Several of the guerrilla attacks in Baghdad made no sense, like the attacks on the UN office, the Jordanian Embassy and the Turkish Embassy. The fact was, the main course of the guerrilla war was being decided by the Zinjry, according to what it aimed to achieve in Iraq and the surrounding region and against the American nation.

Another notable example is the Zinjry’s backing of the Iranian Revolution of 1979. Iranian king, Reza Shah, had made Iran’s urban areas superficially prosperous and progressive but his despotic, egotistical rule had made the masses more destitute and oppressed, and rebellious. Corruption, obscenity and other vices had found freedom to spread during his reign. People predisposed to undermine Islam, Bahais, Babies, Ataais and Jews, had gained dominance in the government and society. Iranian religious establishment was strongly opposed to the Shah’s policies and it enjoyed wide public support in challenging the Shah. The Zinjry foresaw the revolutionary movement and gave its full backing to the leading clergy. Iranian Jews, already active in the student bodies and the business community of “the Bazaar,” joined the elements spearheading the movement. As soon as the Shah had been overthrown in February 1979, the Jews hidden in the ranks of the Islamic revolutionaries, especially within the clergy, began to subvert the revolution in accordance with the Zionist Plot.

Practice of Money lending

Usury, that is the practice of lending money at exorbitant interest, is one of the oldest strategies of the Zionist Jews for subjugating humanity and amassing money for their wicked aspirations. By subtle methods Zinjry has consigned the words “usury, “usurer” and “moneylender” to disuse. “Usury” has been replaced with “Aid,” and “Usurer or Moneylender” with “Creditor” and “Donor!”

Obtaining more Loans or “Aid” and repaying or rescheduling the ever-swelling national Debt is the principal work of the political rulers and financial managers of every developing country. A report in Time, July 5, 2004, said, “The Philippines’ foreign debt has climbed to $ 56.7 billion—so high that the country must continue borrowing just to pay off the interest on the debt.” Most of the developing countries are in the same plight.

What the Zionist Elders say about this method of swindling and impoverishing nations and binding them to the Zionist dictates is worth committing to memory:

Every kind of loan proves infirmity in the State…Loans hang like a sword of Damocles over the heads of rulers, who instead of taking from their subjects by a temporary tax, come begging with outstretched palm to our Bankers. Foreign Loans are leeches…But the Goy [Goyim] States do not tear them off; they go on in persisting in putting more on to themselves so that they must inevitably perish, drained by voluntary bloodletting. If the Loan bears a charge of 5 per cent, then in twenty years the State vainly pays away in Interest a sum equal to the borrowed, in forty it is paying a double sum, in sixty—treble, and all the while the Debt remains as unpaid Debt.

When we brought up the necessary person in order to transfer Loans [from the internal] into the external sphere all the wealth of States flowed into our cashboxes and all the Goyim began to pay us the tribute of subjects.

How clear is the undeveloped power of thought of the purely brute brains of the Goyim as expressed in the fact that they have been borrowing from us with payment of Interest without ever thinking [that they didn’t have to do so]. What could have been simpler than to take the money they wanted from their own people! (Protocol 20, paras 29-30, 32-36)

Don’t these revelations put the Muslim ruling elite to shame? Forget about the Christian Goyim. By the time the Protocols came out, the Zinjry was already in total control of the Christian World. Muslims should not have acted as Goyim. Will the Pakistani leaders and intellectuals, including the economic experts and religious scholars, now understand the Game of the Jewish Moneylenders?

Fabrication of Statistics

It is a simple strategy, extensively used and exceedingly fruitful. Statistics are fabricated to facilitate and justify the Zionist schemes. When, soon after Pakistan’s birth in August 1947, Zinjry launched its scheme of cutting East Pakistan off and creating Bangladesh, it generated the cry “East Pakistan’s population is bigger than that of West Pakistan,” and churned out fake statistics to support the cry. A few years after the country had fallen a prey to the diabolical scheme in December 1971, new statistics showing Pakistan’s population bigger than that of Bangladesh were produced, with an explanation that Pakistan had a higher birth rate!

Statistics signify how important or “alarming” an issue is and how the issue, or rather the country where it exists, is to be dealt with. The Zinjry has a worldwide network, coordinated and supervised by its experts, of paid researchers, NGOs, humanitarian bodies and UN agencies, which are engaged along with their other tasks in inventing statistics on AIDS, Drug Addiction, Narcotics Production, Infant Mortality and a myriad other issues. When the figures appear in the Media they gain legitimacy and officials accept them without questioning.

Provoking Inter-State Conflicts and Wars

The Zinjry in pursuit of its satanic aims deliberately and systematically provoked all the wars and armed conflicts in the 20th century and many in the previous periods. Partly by Zinjry’s own cunning tactics but mainly by the forces of the historical process, the secrets of the Zionist machinations behind many of the wars have already come to surface. They include World Wars I and II, the US-Korean War, the US-Viet Nam War, the India-Pakistan Wars, the Israel-Arab Wars, the Soviet-Afghan War, the Iraq-Iran War and the 1991 US-Iraq War. All of these were Engineered Wars.

Engineering Financial/Economic Crises

America’s Great Depression of 1929, the 1973 Middle East Oil Crisis, the 1987 Stock Market Crash in London and the 1997 ASEAN Financial Crisis were all engineered by Zinjry—mainly for political objectives. A primary objective of the 1997 ASEAN Financial Crisis was to create political turmoil in Indonesia to overthrow the Suharto regime and to bring about severance of East Timor from Indonesia.

Multitude of Other Strategies

Debilitating the People. “The principal object of our Directorate consists in this: to debilitate the public mind…to lead it away from serious reflections…to distract the forces of the mind…” (Protocol 5, para 7)

  1. Crippling the Sense of Honour in the Ruling Elite and the Intelligentsia and Implanting in them a Low Opinion of themselves and their nation.
  2. Derailing the Womenfolk from their Natural Noble Role in Life, Alienating them from the sacred institution of Motherhood, Driving them out of Home and into the Market world, Depriving them of the Protection by Men, Divesting them of their precious Virtues of Modesty and Chastity.
  3. Making People, Especially the Youth, Addicted to and Engrossed in Material Pleasures, Entertainment, Singing, Dancing, Sports, Fast Food, etc, and Alienating them from Higher Aims and Ideals in Life.
  4. Rendering the Intellectuals, Islamic Scholars, Political Leaders and the Patriotic Elements Unmindful and Inert, while Zionist agents go ahead with enforcing the Country-Breakup Measures—Privatization of State Assets, Autonomous City and District Governments, Ownership of Land and Property by Foreigners, un-Islamic Education and Cultural Practices, Public Displays of Female Semi-Nakedness, and other malignant steps to disunite and disintegrate the State.
  5. Dislocating and Displacing Populations, Forcing People to become Refugees to foreign lands or within their own Countries, Turning them into Migrant Workers or Slave Labour through Human Trafficking.
  6. Giving Prominent Social Status to the Morally and Intellectually Low-Grade Elements of Society; Parading Immoral Decadent Male and Female Figures as Role Models for Young Men and Women.
  7. Engineering Anti-Jewish Incidents and Raising Howls of “Anti-Semitism” to Obstruct any Condemnation or Criticism of Israel and Zionism.
  8. Belittling the Image of the Armed Forces especially the Army, Provoking Hatred against the Army in the Civil Intelligentsia, also exploiting Army’s own follies.
  9. Engineering Ethnic and Sectarian Conflicts, employing disguised CIA, Mossad and Raw Saboteurs and Local Tools, including Programmed Religionists and domestic Media Managers.
  10. Making the Zionist “Human Rights” the supreme Moral and Social Code, and using it for banning Islamic Laws and Customs, granting Freedom for Immoral Practices and for making the Blind, Cripples and other severely Handicapped Persons eligible for joining Political Institutions and Governmental Services.

An Amazing Example of Zionist Stratagems

Here is a case from history that is unmatched in revealing the ruses practiced by the Zionist Jews. It is recorded with full documentation in Waters Flowing Eastward.18

In 1492, Chemor, Chief Rabbi of Spain, wrote to the Grand Sanhedrin, which had its seat in Constantinople, for advice when a Spanish law threatened expulsion. This was the reply:

“Beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and misfortunes which you are enduring. We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves. The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following:

1. As for what you say that the King of Spain obliges you to become Christians: do it, since you cannot do otherwise.

2. As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: make your sons merchants that they may despoil, little by little, the Christians of theirs.

3. As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians’ lives.

4. As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches.

5. As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix in affairs of State, that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.

6. Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.

(Signed) Prince of the Jews of Constantinople”

After this, what more can be said on the strategies, machinations, tactics and ruses that the Zionist Jews employ for their evil aims against humanity!

If at all there is anything more to be said, it is to ask this question. Will the Muslim rulers, senior military and civil officials, media managers, political and community leaders, ulema, intellectuals and industrialists now grasp the Zionist Game? And will they move quickly to save their countries and their religion from the anti-Islam onslaught of International Zionism and its field-arm, the Zionist state of Israel?

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