You know 9/11, Iraq, and all the rest. Almost. Come on, did you remember that Google only went public in 2004?! Before we consider what’s next, an abbreviated history of the last eight years of our lives.
December 13: The U.S. Supreme Court stops the Florida recount, handing the presidency to George W. Bush.
The Dow closes at 10,794.
January 15: Wikipedia is founded.
June 7: The Bush tax cuts become law.
September 9: Ahmed Shah Massoud, commander of the anti-Taliban forces in Afghanistan, is assassinated.
September 11: Nearly 3,000 die in the 9/11 attacks.
September 18: The first anthrax letters are mailed.
September 20: The Office of Homeland Security is announced.
October 7: The United States invades Afghanistan.
October 26: The PATRIOT Act is signed into law.
November 25: CIA interrogator Johnny Michael Spann is killed in Afghanistan; he is the first U.S. casualty in the war on terror.
December 2: Enron files for bankruptcy.
January 1: The Euro enters circulation.
January 23: Daniel Pearl is kidnapped in Pakistan.
May 30: Clean-up operations at Ground Zero are completed.
October 2: Congress passes a joint resolution authorizing the use of force in Iraq at the president’s discretion.
The Beltway sniper attacks begin.
October 4: The Dow closes at 7,528.40, in what will be its lowest ebb in the post-Internet-boom recession.
December 9: United Airlines files for bankruptcy.
March 20: Coalition troops enter Iraq.
April 9: U.S. forces seize Baghdad.
April 14: The Human Genome Project is completed.
May 1: President Bush delivers his “Mission Accomplished” speech.
June 3: The Dow closes above 9,000.
August 14: A major blackout leaves 40 million Americans in eight states without power.
December 11: The Dow closes above 10,000.
December 13: Saddam Hussein is captured.
March 11: 190 die in the Madrid train bombings.
April 28: The Abu Ghraib scandal is revealed.
July 27: Barack Obama delivers his “Audacity of Hope” speech at the Democratic convention.
August 19: Google goes public.
September 8: The U.S. death toll in Iraq reaches 1,000.
November 14: Colin Powell resigns as Secretary of State.
February 15: YouTube goes online.
May 31: Mark Felt is revealed to be “Deep Throat.”
July 7: 56 die in the London subway and bus bombings.
September 28: Tom DeLay is indicted on conspiracy charges.
October 19: Saddam Hussein goes on trial.
October 2: The U.S. death toll in Iraq reaches 2,000.
February 14: The Dow closes above 11,000.
February 22: The al-Askari Mosque in Samarra, Iraq, is bombed, triggering Sunni-Shia ethnic cleansing across the country.
June 7: A U.S. airstrike kills Al Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.
October 17L The U.S. population reaches 300 million.
October 19: The Dow closes above 12,000 for the first time in history.
November 5: Saddam Hussein is sentenced to death.
November 8: Donald Rumsfeld resigns as Secretary of Defense.
December 30: Saddam Hussein is executed by hanging in Baghdad.
December 31: The U.S. death toll in Iraq reaches 3,000.
January 9: The iPhone is introduced.
April 25: The Dow closes above 13,000 for the first time in history.
July 19: The Dow closes above 14,000 for the first time in history.
July 21: The final book in the Harry Potter series is released.
October 9: The Dow reaches what will be its all-time high unto date, closing at 14,164.53.
October 18: Benazir Bhutto returns to Pakistan.
November 3: Pakistan president Pervez Musharraf declares a nationwide state of emergency.
November 23: The Dow closes below 13,000.
December 27: Bhutto is assassinated.
January 2: Oil hits $100 per barrel for the first time.
February 19: Fidel Castro announces his resignation.
March 7: The Dow closes below 12,000.
March 23: The U.S. death toll in Iraq reaches 4,000.
July 15: The Dow closes below 11,000.
September 15: Lehman Brothers files for Chapter 11 — the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history.
September 16: The Federal Reserve lends $85 billion dollars to AIG — the largest such intervention in U.S. history.
September 25: Washington Mutual collapses — the largest bank failure in U.S. history.
October 6: The Dow closes below 10,000.
October 9: The Dow closes below 9,000.
November 4: Barack Obama is elected president.
November 19: The Dow closes below 8,000.
November 20: The Dow closes at 7,552.29, its lowest point to date in the global financial crisis.
November 26: Mumbai attacks killed 200 people and sparked severe war tensions between India and Pakistan
December 4: In Iraq, parliament passes a law forcing all U.S. troops to leave the country by January 1, 2012.
December 27: Israel attacked Gaza and killed hundreds of innocent civilians. The war may now spread to Lebanon, Syria and Iran.